Adjust Templates - Steel Engineering

For the output of Steel Engineering bar lists, extended functions are available. These will apply to all table sheets for which the Class BarList or BarSummary has been set on the Settings sheet.



On the Bar settings sheet you can specify the cutting parameters for various semi-finished products.

On this sheet you will find a table that allows you to make settings depending of the utilized semi-finished product.

Beneath the table you will find further setting options:

An example of the setting options for bar lists can be found in the topic Examples of BOMs: Settings for Bar Lists.


Further topics:


Placeholders for the bar list

In the bar list you can, in addition to the standard placeholders, use the following placeholders for the group headers:


Placeholders for Bar - Summary

In the bar summary you can additionally use the following placeholders in the listing:


Bar lists - Configuration of image texts

The long texts and short texts in the "images" of bar lists are now configurable. The ISD default setting is as follows:

The short text will be used if there is not enough space for the long text in an image.


These texts can be also be configured individually if desired. The configuration takes place via the script HiCAD_Stahlbau.2201.0.cs (in the HiCAD sys directory) in Line 149/150, in the form as shown in the script:

Here the number of the attributes to be used for the long text is specified, and the text to be output in brackets is determined.

Here: 2 attributes; the 2nd text appears in brackets


More examples:


Distinguishing between unprocessed and processed sheet metal

Sheet metal is now distinguished between sheets with identical cross-sections (unprocessed) and processed sheets. Unprocessed sheets with identical cross-sections are characterised by at least one bend zone, parallel front edges of the flanges (width of flange) and no further processing, e.g. subtractions, bores etc. For these sheets a drawing is not necessary, only a BOM. All other sheets count as unalike and processed.

In order to differentiate between unprocessed and processed sheets in the BOM

  1. the Special treatment for sheets with identical cross-sections checkbox has to be activated in the Configuration Editor under Sheet Metal (by default deactivated).
  2. the new template HiCAD_Stahlbau.2201.0 has to be used when creating a BOM.

In this case an additional spreadsheets for unprocessed sheets will be added in the Excel BOM:

Automatic creation of sheet metal images

As of HiCAD 2018 the generated images will be automatically scaled and, if required, rotated for the best possible display of the model drawing complete with its dimensionings.

For sheet metal and unprocessed sheets you can optionally view images of the sectional view (with dimensions) in the BOM. To do so, go to the spreadsheet Settings in the HiCAD_Stahlbau.2201.0.xslx template, then to the Create column and change the value for Sheet Metal parts with image to true . The ISD default setting is false.

For unprocessed sheets with identical cross-sections only one image will be created.

The depiction with images can be found in the spreadsheets:



The displayed drawing contains 5 aluminium sheets. Sheet 5001 and 5002 have different sheet depths, but they have identical cross-sections and are unprocessed. This does not apply to sheet 5000 as it has a subtraction, thus it is processed. Analogous to that, sheet 5003 is unprocessed and sheet 5004 is processed due to the subtraction.

If the Special treatment for sheets with identical cross-sections checkbox is active, sheet 5001, sheet 5002 and sheet 5003 will receive special treatment in the BOM and two spreadsheets will be added.


Please note:

The BOM template HICAD_STAHLBAU.2200.0.XLSX does not yet contain the distinction between processed and unprocessed sheets. However, images can still be created by changing the value for Sheet Metal parts with images in the Settings spreadsheet under Create from false to true.

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Version 2302 - Report Manager
Date: 14/09/2018

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