Process Blank (3-D SM)

Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Update > Up to HiCAD 2016 > ...

The Up to HiCAD 2016 sub-menu (Sheet development > Update >...) contains functions for the processing of 2-D developments that could be created with HiCAD up to Version 2016. From HiCAD 2017 onwards, only 3-D developments can be created.


  1. Use two diagonal points which enclose the contour corner to be simplified to define a zoom window.
  1. Now specify the two graphical elements that need to be lengthened.
  1. Identify the development.
  2. Select a scale.
  3. Identify a fixed point for the development.
  1. Identify the development.
  2. You can now modify the parameters. If you do not want to change the parameters, click the right mouse button.


Please note:

If you are working with referenced parts, please remember the following:
The link between 3-D part and 2-D blank is made, once the edge to be developed has been selected, by means of two points placed in layer 0 which lie on the edge and on the corresponding lines in the blank. If these points do not exist, the blank will be re-generated, rather than updated.
When using referenced parts, you therefore need to bear in mind that an update can only be performed if the referenced part is saved after the blank is generated and no new development of the part specifying another edge is generated after this.

To place the 2-D blank in a separate view, use the option "# 2-D blank in active sheet view (0=no)" in the ABWPAR.DAT file.

Overview of FunctionsGeneral Information on Sheet Metal ProcessingDevelopment Allowance Method for Developments

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 14/09/2018

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