Beispiel 2b - Concurrent Engineering (Verw. + BIM)
Working in the detail drawings - Itemisation and drawing derivation in the original model drawing
Here the original drawing will be split into suitable structure assemblies and saved in a non-itemized state. The structure assemblies of the model drawing will be saved as individually as externally referenced detail drawings. These referenced structure assemblies can be edited and saved (but not itemized) on different workstations. After the completion of all structure assemblies the original model drawing will be updated. The itemisation of all structure assemblies and the drawing derivation will then take place in the original model drawing.
The procedure will be explained by way of the Example 2a.
Die Schritte 1 bis 3 sind identisch mit denen aus Beispiel 2a. Wir beschränken uns daher hier auf die Kurzfassung.
Step 1: Assign model drawing to a BIM project
- Create a project, e.g. CONCURRENT_EXP2 with the function Management+BIM > Project > New
- Load the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Article > Explorer
Step 2: Define structure assemblies
- Convert the Assemblies Platform 1 and Platform 2 into structure assemblies.
Step 3: Create referenced detail drawings
- Activate the assembly Platform 1.
- Call the Reference part, Save, Detail drawing function.
- Choose the settings External referencing, Save+create detail drawing, Database, with new article master and Enter document master for part. Confirm with OK.
- Enter the article and document attributes for the part document, and the document attributes for the detail drawing.
- Close all windows with OK.
- Proceed likewise with Platform 2.
In the original model drawing, the assemblies will then be marked as referenced with the symbol.
Step 4: Edit the assemblies in the detail drawings
In contrast to the Example 2a, the detail drawings will only be edited, while itemisation and drawing derivation only take place in the original model drawing.
- Load the detail drawing for Platform 1:
- Click Switch drawing in the ICN.
- Choose the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Article and then select the detail drawing.
- The detail drawing can now be edited.
- Save the detail drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Save
. The Save referenced parts dialogue window will be displayed. Click on OK to apply the changes to the assembly.
- Proceed likewise for Platform 2.
Step 5: Itemisation and drawing derivation in the original model drawing
- Load the original model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Article .
- The Save referenced parts dialogue window will be displayed. Click on OK to apply the changes to the assemblies in the detail drawings to the original model drawing.
- Itemize the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Parts > Item. .
- Save the model drawing with the function Management+BIM > Drawing > Save
- Derive the drawings, grant releases etc. (see also Example 1, Steps 3 - 8).
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© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2302 - Steel Engineering Drawing Management (BIM-PDM) Date: 14/09/2018
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