Drawing Derivation: Dialogue Window

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Drawing derivation

You specify the settings for derived drawings in the Derived drawing dialogue window:

The dialogue window consists of the following areas:

Drawing target

Derived drawings are created as sheet views of the current or new model drawing and can be called via the Views tab of the ICN at any time. The following targets for derived drawing creation are possible:


If you have selected an external drawing as drawing target, the Externally generated drawings input area will be activated:


Detail drawing for each sub-part
If this checkbox is activated, a detail drawing will be created for each sub-part. This also applies to Steel Engineering parts which are sub-parts to a non-Steel Engineering part.


If you use an external drawing as drawing target, and load the drawing parameters from a predefined configuration, parts appearing exclusively as "attached parts" in the workshop drawing will also be included in the drawing BOMs. You can change this behaviour in the Configuration Editor if desired: Select Active configuration > Automatic drawing derivation, and activate the Remove BOM-relevance of non-detailed parts in external drawing checkbox.

Sheet selection

Derived drawings are created as sheet views of the current drawing or a new drawing and can be called any time via the Views tab of the ICN. The following sheet settings are possible:

Alignment of assemblies 

Assemblies can be aligned in the drawing in

This enables you to create drawings both for overview and processing purposes.



Please note that this also affects derived drawings! An example can be found in the Derived Drawings - Active View as Front View/Top View topic.

Part selection

Here you specify which parts of the drawing are to be taken over in the workshop drawing.

Please note:

The output of sheet metal with identical cross-sections can be suppressed in the workshop drawing. To do so, the Suppress production drawings for sheets with identical cross-sections when deriving drawing checkbox has to be activated in the Configuration Editor under Sheet Metal.



The displayed drawing contains 5 aluminium sheets. Sheet 5001 and 5002 have different sheet depths, but they have identical cross-sections and are unprocessed. This does not apply to sheet 5000 as it has a subtraction, thus it is processed. Analogous to that, sheet 5003 is unprocessed and sheet 5004 is processed due to the subtraction.

If the Suppress production drawings for sheets with identical cross-sections when deriving drawing checkbox is active, only sheet 5000 and sheet 5004 will be considered in the drawing derivation.

Derived Drawing - FunctionsDerive DrawingsDerived Drawings: Change SettingsDerived Drawings - Settings File or Configuration

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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