Link to P+ID (PE)

Plant Engineering > Link to P+ID

A 3-D Plant Engineering layout plan can be linked to a 2-D P+ID project.

When you do this, please note the following:

Previously the link between a layout plan and the corresponding P+ID was created by saving the name of the P+ID project (RPA) in the 3-D drawing, and saving the name of the file belonging to the layout plan in the P+ID project. A changing of the file names, e.g. for modified drawings, (see Update Link) always led to a removal of the link. The link then needed to be created anew.

As of HiCAD 2013 the linking will be realised by means of a database link. Files that have been linked in the old way will continue to function in the old way. However, you can also convert old link types into new link types if desired.

If you want to convert the old link type into a new link type, proceed as follows:

  • Load the layout plan, but do NOT load the corresponding P+ID!
  • Select Remove link. The following messages will be displayed:

Click Yes.

Click Yes.

Click Yes.

  • Only now, load the corresponding P+ID.
  • Select Create link to establish the new link via the database. A prerequisite for this is that a document master exists for the layout plan and the P+ID, and that the required link type (see New Link Types in HiCAD 2013) exists in the database.


The following functions are available:

Assigned P+ID

If the layout plan belonging to the P+ID is already open, you can call it with this function and thereby activate HiCAD’s P+ID module.

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with further functions:


Check symbol link


Create link to P+ID


Remove link to P+ID


Create link for referenced assembly

Remove link for referenced assembly

Check reference to P+ID symbol


Create reference to P+ID symbol


Delete all references in pipeline


Delete reference in part


Show P+ID symbol for part

Shows the assigned P+ID symbol for a part in the layout plan on the appropriate P+ID sheet.

Show P+ID symbol for all parts

Shows the assigned P+ID symbols for all parts in the layout plan on the appropriate P+ID sheet.

Show P+ID symbol for pipeline

Shows the assigned P+ID symbol for a pipeline in the layout plan on the appropriate P+ID sheet.

Assigned P+ID (PE)HiCAD P+ID (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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