3-D Standard > New > Assembly
Use this function to create a new 3-D assembly. Assemblies are used in 3-D to add further structure to the model drawing. Parts of the type Assembly are dummy parts with isolated points and a special ID. They consist of precisely one main part – the so-called main assembly part - and the sub-parts assigned to this part.
For further specification of an assembly, you can assign particular part types to it, e.g.:
Assemblies are marked in the drawing by means of large red isolated points. These points can be used to identify an assembly directly in the drawing.
If you want to fit the part as sub-part, click and select Sub-part
. In this menu you will also find the Main assembly
function. A main assembly is a special assembly to which all other assemblies and parts of the drawing are subordinated. A drawing can only contain one main assembly.
When you call the function, HiCAD will open the Part attributes dialogue window. Specify the attributes for the assembly and confirm with Apply changes. HiCAD will then prompt you to specify the desired assembly points. You end the assembly specification by clicking the middle mouse button. You can then assign parts to the assembly: Activate the assembly and create new main parts, or drag parts into the assembly in the ICN.
Please note:
Part Creation Functions (3-D) • Part Creation: Useful Hints (3-D) • Assembly Points and Assembly Article Number
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