How to Work with the 2-D -> 3-D Conversion Module

3-D Standard > New > Extruded > 2-D->3-D Conversion

Proceed as follows to convert a 2-D single part into a 3-D model:

  1. The basis for 2-D->3-D Conversion are two or more views of a 2-D single part in a 2-D drawing providing a clear and unambiguous description of its shape. This may be in the form of a 2-D drawing created in HiCAD or a 2-D file read from another system via one of HICAD's interfaces (DXF, DWG etc.) This means that the first step of the conversion is the loading or the import of a 2-D file.
  2. To derive the 3-D model from the 2-D part, activate the 2-D->3-D Conversion tab and select New > Extruded> 2-D->3-D Conversion . The 2-D->3-D Conversion menu will be displayed.
  3. Determine the Views, i.e. specify which view is meant to be the front view, the side view and the top view.
  4. Select the technique you want to use to derive the 3-D model: Parts from views or Revolved solids.  
  5. Identify the required Polylines of the 2-D part. HiCAD will automatically create the 3-D model and inserts it into the drawing.
  6. Now you can directly transfer holes, threads etc. from the 2-D single part to the 3-D model.
  7. You can now use the entire HiCAD functionality for completion or further processing of the 3-D model.


Please note:

Sweep Part






Cast part






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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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