Clone Sketch Elements (Sketch)

Sketch > Clone

The functions for the cloning (=copying) of graphical elements of the active Sketch/3-D Sketch are largely similar to the Transform functions. The difference is that identified graphical element are cloned and the transformation is applied to each of the copies.

The value in the Clones field is the actual number of clones



Let us assume that you clone a sketch by a 45° rotation. The number of copies is 4. The original sketch (Copy 1) will remain unchanged, the second copy is rotated 45°, the third copy is rotated 90° (compared to the original), the fourth copy is rotated 135°.


Clone GE, Move

Creates copies of lines/isolated points by displacement. The function is operated like the similar Transform function.

You have the additional option to specify the distance between the clones. The following options are available:

Individual distance
The specified distance is the distance between 2 clones.
Total distance
The specified distance is the distance between the original and the last clone.

2 clones - (1) Line elements and direction of displacement; (2) Individual distance; (3) Total distance


Clone GE, Rotate

Creates copies of lines/isolated points by rotation. The function is operated like the similar Transform function.

You have the additional option to specify the angle between the clones. The following options are available:

Individual angle
The specified angle is the rotation angle between 2 clones.
Total angle
The specified angle is the total angle, i.e. the angle between the original and the last clone.

Evenly, 360°
Original and clones are distributed evenly about a full circle (360 degrees).

(1) Line elements and direction of rotation; (2) Utilisation of angle; (3) Utilisation of total angle; (4) Evenly to 360°


Pull-down menu of Rotate:

Clone GE, Move+Rotate

Creates copies of lines/isolated points by displacement and rotation.

Clone GE, Mirror

Creates copies of lines/isolated points by mirroring.

Clone GE, Scale

Creates copies of lines/isolated points by scaling.


Please note:

Sketch Functions (3-D)Transform Sketch Element (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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