Mirror Sketch Elements (Sketch)

Sketch > Transform > Mirror

Use this function to mirror lines and isolated points of a sketch. When you call the function, the Mirror dialogue window will be displayed:


The currently active step will be highlighted with an orange frame in the dialogue window. After calling of the function these steps consist in the selection of lines or points.

Step 1: Select option

Use the symbols at the top of the dialogue window to specify the handling of connected lines during mirroring.


Step 2: Select elements

Select the lines or isolated points that you wish to mirror in the drawing, or use the functions of the context menu that you can open with a right-click during the selection process.

Connected lines or edges*

This function can also be activated with the help of the SHIFT key: If you select a line while holding down the SHIFT key, all connected lines will be automatically selected as well.

Tangentially connected lines or edges*

Lines in rectangle (CTRL+LMB)*

  • Move the cursor to the position of the first corner point of the rectangle.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and the left mouse button.
  • Release the CTRL key and draw, while still holding down the left mouse button, the rectangle.
  • When you then release the left mouse button, all lines/edges within the rectangle will be selected.

Cancel (Esc)


The selected elements will be highlighted in the drawing and the number of selected elements will be shown in the dialogue window:

Press the middle mouse button to end the selection. Click the icon to expand the selection.


Step 3: Select plane/axis

After completion of the line selection (press middle mouse button) HiCAD automatically switches to the selection of the mirroring plane or axis, depending on whether elements of a planar sketch or of a 3-D sketch had been selected in Step 1.


Planar sketches
Specify the mirroring axis by

You have the additional option to right-click and open a context menu with further functions for axis specification:

The Z-axis of the active coordinate system will be the mirroring axis.


3-D sketches

Determine the mirroring plane by

You have the additional option to right-click and open a context menu with further functions for the determination of the mirroring plane:

The XZ-plane will be the mirroring plane of the active coordinate system.

To change the axis/plane, click the symbol and select the new axis/plane as described above.


The mirroring axis and mirroring plane will be dynamically visualized in the drawing.

If the selected lines/points are to be mirrored - as shown in the preview - click OK or Apply.

When you select Apply, the dialogue window will remain open after performing the mirroring. Only the list of the selected elements will be deleted in the process, all other settings will be preserved and cannot be changed. In this way, further elements can be mirrored in the same way.

When you select OK, the dialogue window will be closed after the mirroring.

When you middle-click in the drawing while the dialogue window is open, the following will happen:

A : Mirror lines, individually, B: Preserve connected lines
(1) Selected lines; (2) Point on mirroring axis and mirroring plane; (3) Result


Please note:

Sketch Functions (3-D)Clone Sketch Elements (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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