Edit Views (3-D)

Views >Edit

The Edit function group of the Views tab contains functions for the definition and modification of cut-outs, sectional and detail views.

Update sectional views in active sheet/model

Automatically updates, after the transformation of a 3-D model, sectional and detail views of the active sheet view or model view.

Clicking opens a menu with the Update sectional views, All function.

Create new cut-out

Activates the New cut-out dialogue window enabling you to define new cut-out views.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions for cut-outs.

Clip plane for shaded view, parallel to screen plane

You can use so-called "clip planes" to cut shaded 3-D models dynamically with the mouse. This is useful, for example, if you want to see or display the interior of a shaded model. The clip plane runs parallel to the screen plane.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions for clip planes.

Change sectional view

Enables a subsequent modification of sectional views.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions for cut-outs.

Change detail view

Enables a subsequent modification of detail views.

Shorten view

Displays an active view in shortened representation. You can also use this function for the modification of already shortened views.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions for shortened views.

Delete active view

Deletes the active view.


You have the possibility to assign a special representation to 3-D parts in individual views. This applies to surface colour, edge colour and transparency.

View Functions (3-D)Views (3-D)Special Views (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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