Clip Plane (3-D)

Views > Edit > Update > Clip plane...

You can use so-called "clip planes" to cut shaded 3-D models dynamically with the mouse. This is useful, for example, if you want to see or display the interior of a shaded model. Once defined, dynamic sections are saved with the drawing, can be shown or hidden at any time at the press of a button and very quickly changed, if required.

(1) 3-D model, (2) Section with yz-plane as clip plane, (3) Section with xy-plane as clip plane


To cut a shaded 3-D view dynamically using a clip plane, activate the appropriate view, select Views > Edit > Clip... , then select the desired Clip plane function:

Clip plane - Change existing

The current clip plane continues to be used. If no clip plane has been defined yet, the clip plane is placed in the xy-plane of the current coordinate system.

Clip plane - Parallel to screen plane

The clip plane is the screen plane.

Clip plane - Parallel to processing plane

The clip plane is the active processing plane.

Parallel to XY-plane

The clip plane is the xy-plane of the active coordinate system.

Parallel to XZ-plane

The clip plane is the xz-plane of the active coordinate system.

Parallel to YZ-plane

The clip plane is the yz-plane of the active coordinate system.

Switch on

Switches off the clip plane and thus hides the section.

Switch off

Shows the section and switches on the clip plane.

Now use the mouse to move the clip plane to cut your model dynamically. During cutting, you can right-click to call a context menu containing further functions:


Moves the clip plane with the mouse.


Rotates the clip plane with the mouse.


Applies the current display and ends the function.

Switch off

Switches off the clip plane and thus hides the section.


Cancels the function without changing the section.

Inner faces in surface colour

Displays the inner faces in the surface colour.

Inner faces in different colour

Displays the inner faces in a different colour.

Left-click to apply the current representation.


The function affects all parts of the corresponding view!

Special Views (3-D)View Functions (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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