Transform Views (3-D)

Views > Transform

Use the options of the Transform function group of the Views tab to rotate and move 3-D views.

Rotate view dynamically about 3-D point

Allows you to use the cursor to rotate, move or zoom the active view. The function is based on natural visual behaviour: An example is viewing an object located on the table in front of the viewer.

Clicking opens a menu with further options:

Rotate, about axis

Rotates the view about the x-, y- or z-axis of the world coordinate system.

Rotate, Step-by-step

The view is rotated step-by-step about the screen horizontal or the axially parallel vertical.

Rotate view, surface in screen plane

Rotates flat surfaces located anywhere in space to the xy-plane of the screen coordinate system.

Move views, in rectangle

Moves all views within an arbitrarily drawn rectangle.

Click to open a menu containing the Move view function, enabling you to move the active view.

Transform to required position

A so-called "required position" can be defined for 3-D views. If a view has been rotated several times, you can use this function to jump back to this position at any time.

To define a required position, click the icon and select Set as required position.

Undo last view transformation

Switches within the active view between the current and preceding projections.


Please note:

Projections (3-D)Linked Views (3-D)View Functions (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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