Change Alias Name

Extras > Change alias name

Alias names for catalogues and tables

When creating catalogues or tables, you are always enabled to enter an alias name in addition to the catalogue or table name. This will be displayed instead of the catalogue/table name if you access the catalogue or table in HiCAD.

Use the Change alias name function to change the alias of tables or catalogues subsequently.

  1. Place the cursor on the catalogue or table name in the catalogue structure display.
  2. Activate the Extras > Change alias name function.
  3. Enter the new alias.
  4. Exit the dialogue box with OK.


Changing alias names of catalogue can also affect the HiCAD part attributes: The alias name is displayed in the Part type field (e.g. Hollow profile).

Specify alias names for national standards

In addition to the above function, the Catalogue Editor also offers the option to use alias names for national standards; these will be taken into account in the CatalogueMaker.

  1. Select Extras > Link tables to standards. The appropriate dialogue window opens.
  2. Click the Alias name for national standards icon. A list of all tables is displayed.
  3. Now you can specify a general alias name for the table or an individual alias name for every standard.
  4. Next, click the Save alias names icon on the toolbar. The alias names are saved to the MULTIPLENAMES.TXT file in the HiCAD subdirectory KATALOGE\SYS\LANGUAGE\<LANDESCODE>.

If you now use the CatalogueMaker to arrange standards, you will be offered the appropriate tables with their alias names for selection.

Create CatalogueCreate TableLink Table to Standards

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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