Create Catalogue

Extras > Catalogue > New

In order to create a new Factory standard catalogue you need to:

  1. Activate the WORKS STANDARDS entry or one of the sub-catalogues in the left column of the Catalogue Editor.
  2. Select the New catalogue function – either in the toolbar or in the Extras menu, via Catalogue > New.
  3. Enter the Catalogue name.
  4. Enter an Alias name. This name will be used in the structure display of the Catalogue Editor and HiCAD instead of the catalogue name.
  5. Exit the window with OK.

  1. You are now enabled to divide the catalogue analogue into further sub-catalogues or to Create new tables.


It is not possible to create new HiCAD catalogues.

Menu ExtrasModify Alias NameCreate New Table

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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