Link Tables to Standards

Extras > Link tables to standards

This function enables you to assign tables to a standard and to define new standards.

This function can be used to create new country standards, but is also useful if you want to save certain tables with company-specific standards. This could be, for example, the tables of frequently used standard parts. Afterwards you are enabled to select exactly this company-specific standard with the Catalogue Editor as a collection for HiCAD.

Proceed as follows to link tables with standards:

  1. Select Extras > Link tables to standards. The dialogue window shows you which tables are linked to which standards.   represents linked.

  1. In order to change the links of a table, mark it in the Table column. Use the  search function instead of scrolling through the list. 
  2. Determine the assignment of the standards by activating or deactivating the control boxes.
  3. Execute steps 2 to 3 for further tables if necessary.
  4. Exit the window with OK.


This function cannot be used for factory standards.

Define New StandardsCatalogue Maker

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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