Folder (PDM in HiCAD)

HELiOS PDM > Folder

For a structured management of your orders you can use so-called Folders in HELiOS. Such Folders can contain all Documents and Articles that are related to an order. One distinguishes between mandatory and optional objects. Mandatory objects are requested by the Workflow, optional objects can be dragged into the elements list by Drag & Drop.

The following functions are available:

Activate folder

When you call the function, the Folder data search mask will be displayed.

You can either enter a Folder name to search for a particular folder, or leave the field empty to have all folders in the database displayed after clicking the Find button. Select the desired Folder in the result list and confirm with Apply. The selected Folder will then be active, i.e. you will work in this Folder.

Created new HELiOS Documents and Article will then be assigned to this Folder.

Deactivate folder

Use this function to work folder-independent again.


The active Folder (2) will be shown in the title bar, next to the active Project (1):


Extensive information about folders can be found in the Help of the HELiOS Desktop.

Projects HELiOS Desktop: Folders

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 30/10/2018

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