Projects (PDM in HiCAD)

HELiOS PDM > Project

The creation of Projects allow a clearly structured sorting and arrangement of drawings (documents and parts). You can, for instance, collect all drawings of one year within a project. It is also possible to sort according to departments, workpiece types etc.

Projects have the highest priority in the database structure. Sub-projects can be subordinated to projects. A document or article can generally be assigned to several projects. The graphic files, however, exist only once.

The Project-independent folder is created automatically. It does not have an own project number or name in the database. All documents and articles which are newly created in HiCAD are assigned to this so-called dummy project.

For projects the following functions are available:


To assign a document or an article of the active drawing to a project, the following functions are available:

Activate/Edit Project Create Project

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 30/10/2018

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