Show + Edit Article Master (PDM in HiCAD)


HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active drawing > Article...

HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active part > Article...

Use these functions to display the HELiOS detail window for the article master of the active drawing or the active part.


If you right-click on a list entry, a context menu with further editing functions will be displayed:

Show article

Use this function to open the detail window of the article. If you activated several articles, several detail windows will be opened. This function is only available via the context menu of the article.

You can also open the Part detail window by double-clicking the desired item.


Edit article master

The master data of the selected article will be displayed and can be changed. It is not possible to switch to a detail window during editing until the specified modifications have been confirmed with OK, thus ensuring an error-free transfer of the modifications.

Use the Classification function to assign a list of characteristics to the article. If a classification exists already, it can be modified here.


Preselect Article This function allows you to temporarily copy an article to the clipboard for a later creation of a link to another article.
Add to favourites Use this function to add the marked object(s) to the Favourites window.

Displays the Workflow of the active article.

Assign roles Use this function to assign roles to Role Workflow objects, or to change existing role assignments. A multiple selection of objects with the same workflow type is also possible.
Edit attribute values This function enables a quick change of the master data. When you activate this function, the Edit attribute... window will be displayed. Select an attribute from the list, select Edit and enter the new text. When you open the mask again, the changed text can be found in the master data mask.
Classification Opens the dialogue for the Classification of objects.

Use this function to create or remove assignments of articles to folders or projects. The following options are available:

  • Assign to active folder
    Assigns the article to the active folder.
  • Assign to active project
    Assigns the article to the active project.
  • Remove assignment to active folder
    Removes the article from the active folder.
  • Remove assignment to active project
    Removes the assignment of the article to the active project. Only the link between article and project will be removed.
  • Remove assignment to folder
    Deletes the article from its current folder context. This may also be a different folder than the active one (can be shown in the Folder Explorer via right-click and Show folder, while a different folder is active).
  • Remove assignments to project
    Deletes the article from its current project context. This may also be a different folder than the active one (can be shown in the Project Explorer via right-click and Show project, while a different folder is active).
  • Remove assignments to all folder
    emoves all assignments of the active article to folders.
  • Remove assignments to all projects
    Removes all assignments of the active article to projects. The article will then be "project-independent".

Where-used lists

Show articles where-used lists
The articles where-used list displays the articles or assemblies in which the active article is contained as a sub-part, including its level in the structure.

Show links where-used list
To show the links where-used list of an article, mark the objects to be displayed (or to be excluded) according to link type in the Links area on the right (e.g.Part-Document for the link to the HELiOS document of the CAD file) and click Find. By default, all links are activated.

A list of all link targets according to the document search (Find documents) mask will then be displayed.

  • Show links
    Here, all objects (articles and documents) that are linked to the current article will be shown.
  • Show link sources
    When you select this function, a dialogue window with all objects that are linked to the current article will be shown.
  • Remove link in context
    Use this option to delete a link to another object. Use this option to delete a link to another object. Since links can only be removed in the respective viewing context (but not any arbitrary links to other objects) this function is only available in a particular context. In a general result list, this function will be greyed out.

Create index...

Use this function for the creation of traceable revisions of articles. The master data and the graphic with the old index will be set to invalid and archived. The new version of the article obtains a new index and will be set to active. This allows you to trace back all revision indices of a drawing throughout its entire life cycle.

Create index, with link This function is largely identical with the Create index function, but also considers the linked documents (Drawing and Geometry links). After calling the function, all documents with the link conditions Bauteil - Teilegeometrie (Part - Part geometry) and Bauteil - Konstruktion (Part - Drawing) will be offered for selection.
Create drawing index Use the Create drawing index function to modify drawings. The revision concerns the index of a document assigned with the link condition Bauteil(e) - Konstruktion (Part(s) - Drawing) or Bauteil - Konstruktion (Part - Drawing) to the article. If several Drawings are linked to the article, a selection dialogue will be displayed, where you can specify, by activating or deactivating the corresponding checkboxes beneath Revise, which drawings are to be revised.

Creates a derived drawing.

The dialogue window is largely identical with that of the article data input mask.


Create derivation, with link

Creates a derived drawing and takes over all links. After confirming with OK, a dialogue will be displayed that enables you to choose, by activating the corresponding checkboxes beneath Linked targets, which of the linked documents will be derived (a copy will be created), linked to the derivation, or ignored.

If two or more drawing sheets with identical document number are derived within one article derivation process, the document numbers of the derived follow-on sheets will also remain identical, accordingly.


Articles with an older index which are no longer in the article list can be edited with the Version Management function.

Call report

If so-called HDE reports have been defined, use this function to call them for the desired HELiOS object. If only one report exists in the system, it will be called instantly; if there are several reports, a selection dialogue will be displayed.

If no reports exist for the corresponding object type, an appropriate message will be displayed.


Copy HELiOS URL Copies the URL of the HELiOS article to the clipboard, to enable its pasting to another location.

Show ID

Shows you the Head ID and the Rev ID of the HELiOS object.

Use this function to delete articles. A query will be displayed before article and graphic file will be deleted from the database. You can also use the DEL key to delete.



Please note:

PDM Functions in HiCADHELiOS Desktop: ArticlesArticle Master

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 30/10/2018

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