The detailed descriptions of keywords used in the contained in this section is intended to help you modify or re-design files to meet your own particular requirements.
The keyword DIR_* defines the directory to which, with respect to FILEGRUP.DAT, newly created DXF files should be copied. Sample: DIR_F: DXF files are copied to directory F. |
This keyword defines how 2-D dimensions are to be transferred - as geometric dimensions or as "real" dimensions. 0 Dimensions are transferred as individual lines and numbers (default). 1 2-D dimensions are transferred as real dimension objects.
If the Document Management DB module has been loaded, you can use the ZVD keyword to specify whether DXF file creation should be managed by the database 0 DXF is not managed by ZVD 1 DXF is managed by ZVD (no entry) |
The FIGBL keyword enables the optional transfer of parts as blocks. The name of a block is comprised of the part name plus a five digit number: 1 Part - block transfer 0 Parts are not transferred as blocks (no entry) If the value -1 is entered, blocks are not created for components, dimensioning or hatching, i.e. unless all symbols have been converted before transfer begins, structure is not transferred. |
The keyword FIGLA enables you to transfer parts optionally as LAYER. 0 Lines are transferred to layers with their level (LAYER- command). This is the default setting 1 All parts will become layers. (only if FIGBL=0) -1 Only parts assigned via LAYER commands will become layers (only if FIBL=0) |
In DXF conversion, the keyword STYLE defines the text style, i.e. FONTST=0 or FNTST=1. This keyword enables any of the 9 character fonts that can be recognized by HiCAD to be conversion into another font. The following transfers are made independently of these assignments:
Sample: STYLE....1.DEFAULT DEFAULT is used for fonts that have not been defined. STYLE can also be used to assign a DXF font to a FONT file. In this case the id 0 for the HiCAD character font should be specified. STYLE....0.SIMPLEX The FONT file is required for TABLES section creation. If a font name is not specified, the default TXT font is used. Fonts defined by the keyword STYLE are also used to generate the TABLES section for text style. |
The keywords LPOLY/NPOLY enable you to specify the way in which polylines are handled. Polylines can be activated or de-activated as follows: LPOLY....0 LPOLY....1 LPOLY....2 1 Polylines ON 1 is set by default if a LPOLY entry has not been made. 2 Sets line type and colour values for vertex elements (graphical elements). 0 No further parameter values Alternatively, you can use NPOLY instead of LPOLY....0. If polylines are switched off, lines are output as independent graphical elements. |
The keyword LTYPE specifies the appropriate assignment of an HiCAD line type to an AutoCAD (or another CAD program) line type if it deviates from the line type defined for the layer. HiCAD has 9 line types designated by the numbers 1 to 9. In the numeric field (Format 1 4), only values 1 to 9 are accepted for LTYPE. The default setting for line type 1 is continuous. LTYPE 1 CONTINUOUS LTYPE 2 DOT LTYPE 3 DASH LTYPE 4 DASHDOT LTYPE 5 DASHDOT LTYPE 6 DASHDOT LTYPE 7 PHANTOM LTYPE 8 PHANTOM LTYPE 9 PHANTOM Generally speaking, all lines on fixed layers in AutoCAD, or another CAD system, are represented by a uniform line type and colour. LTYPE is only defined if a line type deviates from line type set for the layer. In DXF files, group 6 code (line type specification) is only entered for lines having a type defined by a LTYPE statement. In the example above, HiCAD lines 0 to 6 are written to the DXF file in the corresponding line type. |
The COLOR keyword describes the assignment of HiCAD colour numbers to AutoCAD or another CAD system. HiCAD has 9 colours designated by numbers 1 to 9. In numeric fields (format I 4), only the values 1 to 19 may be set for COLOR. COLOR 0 7 COLOR 1 3 COLOR 2 5 COLOR 3 4 COLOR 4 1 COLOR 5 2 COLOR 6 6 For example, colours in AutoCAD have a numerical value of 1 to 256. In AutoCAD the colour number of a line is, by default, determined by the layer to which the line belongs. Group code 62 (determining the colour of a line) is only output for lines having a colour that deviates from that assigned to the layer. In the example above, the appropriate colour definitions are written in the DXF file for HiCAD colours 0 to 6. If layer assignment is made with respect to line attributes, and the HiCAD colour of a graphical element is used, please make sure that the COLOR definition does not conflict with the given layer colour. Sample: Layer assigning based on attributes In layer definition LAYER.2532.S25-B2:
These elements are assigned to AutoCAD layer S25-B2 and COLOR....3.12, thus linking HiCAD colour 3 to AutoCAD colour 12. If colour 12 is not linked to AutoCAD layer S25-B2, then the colour will not be assigned to any of these elements. In this case the elements are assigned colour 12 as defined by the COLOR statement. |
HICAD symbols are transferred as blocks. The BLOCK keyword describes the way in which HiCAD symbols hatching and parts are assigned to DXF blocks. Sample: BLOCK.3.SYMBOL3.LAYSYMBOL HiCAD symbol No.3 becomes Block SYMBOL3 with the layer name LAYSYMBOL. If the layer name is missing, layer assignment is carried out via the HiCAD symbol layer. If the block assignment is missing, the HiCAD symbol name is used for the block name. |
The keyword LAYER defines the assignment of HiCAD attributes (colour, line thickness, line type and layer) to layers. For example, AutoCAD uses two methods to assign HiCAD elements to layers:
Layer assignment based on HiCAD attributes The entry: LAYER * takes all HiCAD element layer numbers over as layer names. It is also possible to make special name assignments via HiCAD attributes.
Layer assignment based on the attributes of HiCAD graphical elements (lines, circles, circular arcs) depend on:
This combination of layer number, colour, line thickness and line type is entered in the numeric field (10 positions) of the appropriate line. The following positions are available:
Sample: LAYER 0025003107 LAY_25317 indicates Layer 25, Color 3 , Line thickness 1 and Line type 7. compared. All layer entries are searched in sequence, i.e. in the sequence in which they were entered in the conversion table, until the current HiCAD layer is found. The appropriate AutoCAD name is then used for the preliminary layer designation. All other LAYER entries for the current HiCAD layer are examined to see if they also contain the current layer colour and line thickness. If this combination is found, the appropriate AutoCAD layer number is used for the final layer designation. If the relevant combination is not found, the preliminary designation is used. Layer assignment based on part structure Layer assignment is based on HiCAD part structure if the value 1 is set on the "hundred" position of the numeric field for the transfer flag ACDFL. The layer of an element is detected via the HiCAD part containing the relevant element. Assignments between layer name and part name are handled by the LAYER command in the parameter file. The part name should be the second alphanumeric file entry. Sample: LAYER.9999999000.LAYERNAME10.FIG1 LAYER.9999999000.LAYERNAME20.FIG2 The first line assigns all elements belonging to part FIG1 to layer LAYERNAME10, while the second line assigns all elements belonging to the part FIG2 to layer LAYERNAME20. If an element belongs a part that is subordinate to another part, the layer assignment of the superior part is irrelevant; only the part containing the appropriate element is considered. A layer assignment remains valid until overwritten by a new assignment. If a part has no layer assignment, the layer set for the previous part remains valid. If layer names are the only assignment made to main parts, all subordinate parts without layer assignments are given that of the superior part. This option can only be applied to 2-D parts whose name does not exceed 8 characters. |
The keyword ASCII in the enables you to convert (special) characters. Format: ASCII No.1 No.2 No.1 HiCAD character number No.2 appropriate DXF character number HiCAD uses the ANSI character set. Sample: ASCII 248 237 Converts ANSI character for diameter (248) into the ASCII character for diameter (237). |
The keyword LAYER is only valid for lines, circles and arcs. The keyword SONST determines the appropriate layer for all other graphical elements, i.e.
Symbols are the exception to this rule. Symbol layer assignment can also be specified in the BLOCK definition line. When the SONST keyword is used, the first entry in the numeric field should be the HiCAD layer name. You can then specify the layer designation. The entry: SONST * takes all HiCAD element layer numbers over as layer names. It is also possible to make special name assignments via HiCAD attributes. SONST.0001.SCHICHT01.HATCHING SONST.0010.SCHICHT10.TEXT SONST.0020.SCHICHT20.SYMBOL LINE SONST.0049.SCHICHT49.DIMENSIONS |
The BYLAY keyword enables you to assign a colour and line thickness to a layer. In AutoCAD, a default colour and line thickness is assigned to each layer. BYLAY.0001.CONTINUOUS......L-L0 BYLAY.0002.CONTINUOUS......L-L004 BYLAY.0003.DASHED..........L-L0 BYLAY.0001.DASHDOT.........L-L0 You can use BYLAY (by layer) to make the corresponding entries. The numeric field should contain: AutoCAD colour Values 1 to 256, 1st alphanumeric field Line type name 2nd alphanumeric field Layer names If a wildcard (*) is entered for a layer name, all HiCAD layer names that are not contained in a separate BYLAY entry are passed to the DXF LAYER table. |
If a line type deviates from that assigned to the layer, the LTYPE keyword is used to define the assignment of a HiCAD line type to the corresponding AutoCAD (or another CAD system) line type. LTDEF is used to assign defined HiCAD line types to appropriate AutoCAD line types. If a full DXF file should be created, all relevant line types must be included in LTDEF entries in the HCADACAD.DAT file. The style of a HiCAD line type defined in the STRART.DAT file is passed directly to the LTYPE table. LTDEF entries must reflect entries made for LTYPE. LTDEF....2.DOT........................ LTDEF....3.DASH..........-- -- -- -- - LTDEF....4.DASHDOT.......--.--.--.--.- LTDEF....5.DASHDOT.......--.--.--.--.- The numeric field of the LTDEF entry should contain the following information: HiCAD line type number Value 1 to 9 1st alphanumeric field Line type name 2nd alphanumeric field Arbitrary, e.g. |
When DXF files are created, the output of HiCAD remarks by the DXF file can be suppressed with the NOKOM 1 entry in the HCADACAD.DAT file.. |