Project: HiCAD P+ID

Save Library

P+ID Library > File > Save library

If you have just processed or created a library but not yet saved it, this function works in the same as the Save library as... function (see below).

In the case of already existing libraries, HiCAD asks:

Save change to library?

  1. Respond with Yes to save all changes to the appropriate library files
  2. Select No or Cancel to abandon the function.

Save library as ...

P+ID Library > File > Save As ...

Call the File menu and select Save as ...

HiCAD asks:

Save change to library?

  1. If you respond with Yes, the Windows File dialogue box appears on your screen. Select the required sub-directory and specify the name under which the library should be saved. When you click Save, HiCAD displays an entry box offering the current library Comment for processing. Select ENTER to take over the comment and save the library.
  2. Respond with No or Cancel to exit the function.

Save library as ... with document master

P+ID Library > File > Save library as..., with document master

Use this function to save the active library in its current state, with a different document master, to the database. The HELiOS document master mask is opened for this purpose.

Proceed in the same way as for the saving of a drawing with database in 2-D or 3-D.

The title block in the drawing frame will automatically be filled with the new document attributes in the database.

Further information on the operation of the database masks can be found in the HELiOS Online Help.

Manage Symbol Library (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 07/10/2020     Language: 1033

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