Project: HiCAD Sheet Metal

Create/New/Show Allowance Method 

The HiCAD Sheet Metal functions:

enable you to choose between different allowance methods in sheet development.

The bend areas for sheet constructions are modelled as approximated cylinder segments. During development, the individual segments are transformed to a plane and assigned additional stretching. This is to allow material elongation to be taken into account in partially plastic bending. HiCAD also provides the empirical allowance methods standard in practice.

Change allowance method

Sheet Metal > Sheet development > Allowance method

You use this function to change the allowance method for existing sheet parts.

You can make a separate selection of the areas of the sheet part for which you want the allowance method to be changed. The dialogue window provides the following entries for this:

Pre-set allowance method

Sheet Metal > Further functions > Extras > Pre-set allowance method

This function changes the allowance method for all new developments.

  1. Activate the With allowancecheckbox to take the allowance method into account.
  2. Select an allowance method from the drop-down list.
  3. Click OK to apply the allowance method to all new developments.

Show allowance method

Right-click bend zone > Further... > Part attributes

The allowance method of a bend zone is displayed for the part attributes.

  1. Use the right mouse button to activate the bend zones.
  2. Choose Further ... > Part attributes in the pop-up menu that appears.

The System notes entry in the Part attributes mask contains the allowance method for the bend zone.

Technology (3-D SE)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Sheet Metal
Date: 24/02/2021     Language: 1033

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