Views in the ICN

The Views tab contains the view structure of the current drawing. HiCAD distinguishes between model and sheet views.

The production drawings which you can automatically derive from the 3-D model are displayed in the sheet views.

Furthermore, real 3-D views, so-called model views, such as any detail and sectional views, cut-outs at any depth or into any direction, list views with specific assemblies or parts etc., can be used in HiCAD. The position of the views in the sheet area is not thereby changed.

Arbitrary switching between Model (1) and Sheet views (2)


The view structure is displayed in a tree-like structure. Displayed are:

The active sheet is displayed underlined, the active view red and underlined. To activate a view or the model or sheet area, just click with the left mouse button.

For each view an icon for the respective view type is displayed as well as the view name. If the multi-column structure is active in the settings, a symbol for the display mode and the scale of the view are also displayed. The active view is always displayed in red text and underlined.

The meaning of the symbols:

If, for example, a view is a list view, a sectional view and also an exploded view at the same time, then several symbols will be displayed.


For various functions, views also receive one of the identifiers listed below:


To browse through the view structure, use the mouse wheel, the scroll bar or the ↑, ↓, Page Up↑, Page Down↓, Home and End keys.

The following icons are available in the toolbar of the m ICN view window for editing the views / view structure:

The Sheet views displayed in the ICN can be sorted alphabetically according to their name - ascending or descending. To do this, activate the sort mode by simply clicking on the Designation column. In the column heading, the or symbol or is displayed. By clicking on the column heading again, you can sort the column in ascending or descending order. If new Sheet areas are created in this mode, they are automatically sorted accordingly.

If you want to deactivate the sort mode, click on Show unsorted . The symbol in the column heading Designation is removed. New Sheet areas are then inserted at the end of the structure. In this mode, you can also move Sheet areas using Drag & Drop.

Opens the Settings dialogue window. Here you can switch the multi-column display of the view structure on or off.

In the single-column display, the type of representation and scale are placed in brackets after the view name.


To edit Model/Sheet areas or views, you can also use functions from the corresponding context menus. To do this, right-click on the relevant ICN entry.

The context menus

Note that you can also select multiple views to rotate, freeze, etc. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to do this.


Please note:

ICN 3-D Views3-D Model Drawing