Meaning of the ICN Symbols


Normal 2-D part

Referenced 2-D part (internal or external)

2-D spline

Hidden part

2-D clones

Only those that were created with the macro technique of older HiCAD versions (option Without resolve).

Hidden 2-D clones

Only those that were created with the macro technique of older HiCAD versions (option Without resolve).

3-D grid plane
Grid sub-system
Point Cloud    
Sheet Metal
Steel Engineering

Steel Engineering plate

Structure Assembly


Profile Installation
Metal Engineering

Glass assembly

SZR profile (glass)
Plant Engineering (Standard)

Plant Engineering (Air ducts)

Pipe transition

Pipe transition, symmetrical

Angle, symmetrical


Other identifiers
Partly reduced part

Marks parts that have been inserted into the model drawing using the 3-D Import function. If you point the cursor at the symbol, you can obtain further information on the relevant part, for example, the imported file format and the HiCAD version with which the part was imported.

Identifiers for SE with Drawing Management

The part belongs to a released drawing, but other Workflows exist.


ICN - Tooltip with 3-D part structure

If you point to a part symbol in the 3-D part structure of the ICN with the cursor, a tooltip with the corresponding superordinate structure is displayed. This can be especially helpful in large drawings with many parts.


The Part attributes dialogue window can be opened by double-clicking on a part name with the left mouse button.