Edit Part/Assembly Stucture
More complex drawings, in particular, require the data to be logically structured. HiCAD accomplishes this by dividing the drawing into assemblies, main parts and sub-parts. The HiCAD part structure is a tree structure, similar to the directory structure on your hard disk.
Keeping a logical and clear part structure usually automatically entails the individual parts being defined more clearly. This also enables minimisation of error sources.
The current structure of your drawing is displayed in the Information + Communication Navigator (ICN). You can make subsequent changes to this structure at any time with the functions of the Part/Assembly Structure (3-D) or Part Structure (2-D) menu.
Various options are available for activating the menu:
- Context menu
- In the drawing or in the ICN, place the mouse pointer on the part the structure of which you want to edit.
- Right-click to activate the context menu.
- Choose the desired function.
- Drag & Drop in the ICN
- In the ICN, place the mouse pointer on the part you want to move.
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the part to the new position within the part structure. Move the mouse pointer onto the part to which you want the selection (together with subordinate parts) to be assigned. Then, release the mouse button.