Derived Drawing: Change Settings

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Derive > Change settings...

Use the functions of this menu to subsequently change the settings of an existing workshop drawing.

Function Parameters

Active drawing sheet

  • Horizontal and vertical distances between view groups of the active sheet
  • Drawing sheet layout - user-defined or DIN format
  • Insertion of an appropriate drawing frame (only for DIN formats)
  • Scale adjustment (for DIN formats) yes/no
  • Complete title block yes/no

Active view group

  • Horizontal and vertical distances between the views of the active view group
  • Scale of the views
  • Adjustment of the axonometry
  • Visualisation of standard views, sectional views and axonometric views
  • Shortening of profiles in axonometric views
  • Insert BOM in view group (only for assemblies)
  • Frame of the view group

Click the desired button in the Views to be created for area to determine the parts or assemblies for which you want to create views.

Active view

  • Type of dimensioning
  • Beam annotations yes/no and position of beam annotations
  • Beam shortenings
  • Designations in active view
  • Show/hide system axes
  • Show/hide part environment (adjacent parts)


Please note:

In HiCAD 2018 the Settings for views dialogue window for the Drawing derivation function has changed. If you load workshop drawings or model drawings with workshop drawings created with a version before HiCAD 2018 and then use the Change settings - Active view function, the Shortened view area of the previous version will be shown in the Settings for views dialogue window.


Please note the following:

When adding view groups to sheets that already contain views from derived drawings, it is now possible to switch off the automatic rearranging of views. You specify this setting via the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigurationEditor.exe). Select ... > Automatic drawing derivation and change the parameter Rearrange existing views when adding view groups as desired. Default setting is 2, i.e. you will be asked whether you want the views to be rearranged.

If you do not want to rearrange the existing views, the new view groups will be arranged below the existing view groups together with their view frames, if any (the principle is the same as for page breaks that are automatically applied as soon as the selected drawing frame or the maximum available space drawing frame is occupied, and added view groups need to be arranged i a different way).

Derive Drawings (3-D SE)Derived Drawing (3-D SE)Drawing Derivation: Dialogue Window (3-D SE)