Save, with Preview: For Models and Sheets

Drawing > Save/Print > Save

When saving drawings, the scope for previews in HiCAD drawings in HELiOS or in the Viewer. If you want to change the scope subsequently, use the following functions:

Save with preview, All sheets
Save with preview, Active sheet

Save with preview, All sheets

Drawing > Save/Print > Save > Save with preview, All sheets

Use this function to save all sheets for the representation in HELiOS and the HiCAD Viewer when you save the drawing. This means that both in HELiOS and in the HiCAD Viewer the views of all sheets will be shown.

Please note that the saving process can be time-consuming.

Please note:

Save with preview, Active sheet

Drawing > Save/Print > Save > Save with preview, Active sheets

Use this function to save only the active sheet for the representation in HELiOS and the HiCAD Viewer when you save the drawing.

Please note:

AutoSaveNotes on on Data BackupSave Drawing As...