3-D Part Lists (Context Menu)

You can use these functions to influence the compilation of the part lists. To activate the menu, proceed as follows:

  1. Press the CTRL key on the keyboard and hold it down.
  2. Point the cursor to a 3-D part in the ICN or in the drawing.
  3. Press the right mouse button.

The functions:

  • Settings
    You define here how you want the selected parts to be highlighted in the drawing.
  • If the Indicate active selection... checkbox is activated, the selected parts are highlighted in colour in the drawing.
  • If the checkbox is activated and simultaneously displayed in grey, the selected parts are highlighted in colour only in shaded views.
  • If the checkbox is deactivated, the parts are not highlighted in colour in the drawing.
  • Press OK to apply the changes to the settings. Press Cancel to exit the menu without applying the changes to the settings.
  • If you want to exit the Multiple selection context menu, left-click an area outside the menu.

Please note:

Select 3-D PartsSet Part Selection Filter (3-D)