Delete Insulation

Delete insulation, Guideline

Plant Engineering > Guideline Tools > Guide. > Delete insulation, Guideline

Select this option to delete all insulated parts and insulation specifications from guidelines. If a specification for pipeline insulation exists, the appropriate insulation is assigned to all parts.

Delete insulation, Pipeline 

Plant Engineering > Pipeline Tools > Change > Delete insulation, Pipeline

Select this option to delete all insulated parts and insulation specifications from the entire pipeline and all associated guidelines.

Delete insulation, Part

Plant Engineering > Part Tools > Exchange > Delete insulation, Part

This option enables you to delete insulation assigned to individual parts. When parts have two or more connections, insulation is comprised of two or more insulated parts. You can select these parts individually and delete or retain them.

Part Tools (PE)Guideline Tools (PE)Pipeline Tools (PE)Pipeline Insulations (PE)Plant Engineering Functions