Check Symbol Link
Plant Engineering > Link to P+ID > Load > Check symbol link
Use this function to check which parts of the 3-D layout plan are linked to a symbol in the P+ID. The following cases are possible:
- the layout plan is linked to a P+ID,
- referenced 3-D assemblies of the layout plan are linked to the P+ID.
Before calling the function, proceed as follows:
- In the Link to P+ID tab of the Plant Engineering Settings dialogue window, specify the part types that are to be considered for the check. Click the List button, choose the desired part types in the selection dialogue and exit the window with OK.
- Load the Plant Engineering drawing that you want to be checked.
- Select Check symbol link.
Layout plan <-> P+ID
- You will be asked whether you want to perform the check. Answer the query with Yes (this question will only appear if the P+ID has not been loaded in another window yet).
- If no P+ID has been assigned to the current Plant Engineering drawing, an appropriate message will be displayed. The function will then be aborted.
If a P+ID has been assigned, the Find part(s) dialogue window will be displayed. Activate the P+ID assignment checkbox in the dialogue window, enter a search filter (e.g. *), and select Start search.
The search result will be shown on the right hand side of the dialogue window. A "yes" in the P+ID symbol assignment column means that a P+ID symbol has been assigned to the part, "no" means that no P+ID symbol has been assigned. If the cell is left blank, this means that the part has not been considered for the check.
Referenced 3-D assembly <-> P+ID
If the active part is a referenced assembly or part of a referenced assembly that has been linked to a P+ID, the linked P+ID will be loaded into an new window, or HiCAD switches to the window in which the P+ID has already been loaded.
If the assembly has been linked to several P+IDs and none of them has been loaded, a selection list with the corresponding document masters will be displayed, enabling you to select the desired P+ID.
The further procedure is identical to that for the Layout plan <-> P+ID link.