Standard Parts and Standard Processings
HiCAD provides several options for insertion and processing of standard parts:
- Simple 3-D standard parts for a wide variety of use cases, e.g. bolts,screws,studs, nuts, pins etc.,
- Bores, countersinks, threads and punch marks,
- Shafts, bearings, feather keys etc.,
- Complete bolting sets,
- Reference boltings, i.e. boltings derived from an existing bolting,
- Weld seams.
All functions for insertion and processing of standard parts and boltings are available via the function groups Standard Parts and Standard Processings of the 3-D Standard tab.
Please note:
Alternatively, you can access the functions for Standard Processings via the context menu for parts.
- The Settings play an important role when fitting standard parts, applying boltings and standard processings. For example, they enable you to define the fitting plane, the fitting point or main part and sub-part allocation.
- Various standard parts and standard processings, e.g. adding of fasteners or threads, enable you to fit the selected standard part repeatedly. In other words, the function is not ended after the standard part is fitted, but the standard part is fitted again by determining the next fitting position using the same settings (processing plane, fitting direction).
- Most functions allow you to use the right mouse button to activate a context menu before determining the fitting position. The functions of this menu enable you to change the fitting direction or the reference point of the standard part.
- Standard parts are usually inserted into the part structure as main parts or sub-parts, depending on settings, with the part name being generated automatically by HiCAD, based on the standard and the standard sizes selected. The Internal/External threads, Free bores, and Bores, Countersinks, Threads functions provide an exception. Here, the standard part is unioned with the active part.
The components of a bolting are combined in an assembly by the name of BOLTING. The bolting settings determine whether this assembly is created as a main part or a sub-part.
- Standard parts which are inserted into the part structure as independent main parts or sub-parts have the attribute BOM-relevant automatically assigned to them.
- If you copy 3-D parts containing bores for boltings, then the copies also retain the bores. You cannot make subsequent changes to these bores in the copy, but only delete them. This affects the Clone Part and Copy to HiCAD Clipboard functions in the ICN.
- If 3-D parts containing bores for boltings are cloned within a drawing and the bolts are not sub-parts of the part, the bores are deleted. If parts are copied via the HiCAD clipboard or transferred to another drawing via Save Part/Load Part, the prompt "Copy bolting holes without bolting parts?" is displayed . You can then only delete the bores. No other changes are possible.
- When catalogue parts like sections, bolts, nuts etc. are fitted, the part type (formerly known as "additional text 5") is automatically entered into the part's attribute mask.
- You can also use the Web2CAD interface to fit standard parts of the PowerParts library.
- You can use the catalogue editor to process the standard part and section catalogues. You can also use this program to create your own catalogues. The catalogue editor's Help provides detailed information.
- When inserting boltings into referenced parts, please ensure that the bores are made on the referenced part beforehand.
- Standard Parts managed via the HELiOS Database can be inserted via HELiOS part search: On the Drawing tab, select Insert Part > Insert part, via DB article master
exchanging drawings with other users, please note the following:
If your drawing contains
standard parts or standard processings from changed standard part catalogues,
you will also need to supply the changed catalogue files during data exchange.
These files are stored as IPT files in the HiCAD Catalogue
Standard parts and standard processings in your construction which do not
exist on the recipient's standard part catalogue cannot be reconstructed
there – e.g. in the case of a feature recalculation or a bolting
This note has no bearing on data exchange via interfaces.