Shorten View

Views > Edit > Shorten view

This function enables you to shorten views - even several times and in different directions - and to delete and copy shortened views. For this, the Shortened view dialogue window is displayed.

  1. Activate the view you want and select the Shorten view function. The Shortened view dialogue window is displayed.
  2. Click Add under Direction of shortening. HiCAD automatically numbers shortening directions consecutively, displaying the number of the current direction in the Plane field. Three directions are possible.
  3. Define the axis of the shortening - either by identifying an edge or by specifying the start and end points of the axis.
  4. Define the shortening area by specifying two division points.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to define further shortenings in other directions.
  6. If you want to define a fixed point which will retain its original position when the shortened view is calculated, click the corresponding button and specify the desired fixed point.
  7. If desired, you can also limit the view. The so-called view limitation is a special type of the view shortening. Here, the areas outside a specified rectangle are hidden. To apply the view limitation, click the View limitation > Add button in the dialogue window and draw the required rectangle.
  8. Click Preview to display the shortened view.
  9. If you want to apply the shortening, exit the dialogue window by choosing Create/Apply. If you want to alter the shortening, read the information provided in the chapter Process shortened view.


Clicking below the function icon opens a menu with processing functions for shortened views:

Copy shortening

Copies the shortening of another view to the active view.

Identify the view the shortening of which you want to copy.

Delete shortening

Revokes the shortening of a view, thus restoring it to an unshortened view.

Shortening parameters

Use this function to specify the settings for the representation of shortened views.


Please note:

The default setting is Show shortenings.

View Functions (3-D)Views (3-D)