Free Text and Leader Line

3-D Dimensioning + Text >Text > Part annotation, with free text + leader line

You use this function to assign an annotation to a 3-D part by explicitly specifying the annotation texts and defining the leader line.

  1. Identify the part to be annotated.
  2. In the dialogue window, make the desired settings. You operate the dialogue window in the same way as for the Annotation Settings, Change function.
  3. Choose OK to exit the window.
  4. Define the leader line by specifying two points.


You can specify in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe) at System settings > Annotation tags > Querying of coincident points how to proceed for the identification of base points that coincide with other points.

Texts and Annotations (3-D)Part Annotation (3-D)Change Annotation Settings (3-D)