Boolean Operations

3-D Standard > Process > Add

You use the

functions to perform Boolean operations.

The following options are available:


Add, without sub-parts


Subtract, without sub-parts


Intersection, without sub-parts


Please note:


3-D Standard > Process > Add

You use this function to add the active part and any other part of the drawing. The active part is Boolean-unioned with the identified part.

  1. Identify the part to be added.
  2. If you want the part to be preserved after the operation, confirm with Yes.

Left: (1) Active cuboid, (2) Cone to be added
Right: Boolean union of the parts


Please note:

The adding of 3-D parts to a Steel Engineering parts may cause problems with subsequently called functions, e.g. mitre cuts, Steel Engineering connections, NC/NCX export, deriving of drawings, etc. Attributes (e.g. weight, length, etc.) may also be calculated incorrectly. In such cases, HiCAD will display the following warning message:

You can then decide whether you want to execute the function or not.

If you do no longer want this message to be displayed, activate the Suppress message checkbox. In this case, the adding will either be accepted or refused, depending on your last choice in the message window. Please remember that the checkbox status applies only to the current HiCAD session!


3-D Standard > Process > Add > Subtract

Subtracts any part of the drawing from the active part.

  1. Identify the part to be subtracted.
  2. If you want the part to be preserved after the operation, confirm with Yes.

Left: (1) Active cuboid, (2) Cone to be subtracted
Right: Result of the subtraction

Left: (1) Active cone, (2) Cuboid to be subtracted
Right: Result of the subtraction

Clean up

3-D Standard > Process > Add > Clean up

Use this function to subtract part intersections from the active part. this function to subtract intersecting parts from the active part. In contrast to "normal" subtractions, you can select the facets to which you want the resulting hole to be parallel.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Identify the active part.
  2. Select the Clean up function. The Clean-up dialogue window will be displayed.
  1. Click the icon and identify the collision part, i.e. the intersecting part. After selecting the part, the text Collision part will be displayed (instead of Select part).
  2. Under Cut vertically, select the clean-up procedure.

If the Cut vertically checkbox is active, you must define the surfaces to which the hole created by the intersection is parallel. For this, the following options are available in the list box Selection mode:

If the Cut verticallycheckbox is inactive, the selection of surfaces is deactivated as well. In this case, the result In this case, the result corresponds to the function of a subtraction with clearance.

  1. Enter the value for the clearance.
  2. Click the Preview button to check the result. If you want to correct any entries, click the preview button again and adjust your settings. Click OK to start the clean-up. Click Cancel to abort the function.


The image below shows a cylindrical collision part (1) that intersects with a pipe.

Image A shows the result vertically cut with clearance. The outer surface (2) and the inner surface (3) of the pipe have been selected.

Image B shows the result without vertical cut.


Please note:


3-D Standard > Process > Add > Intersection

Creates the intersection of the active part with another part of the drawing.

  1. Identify the desired part.
  2. If you want the part to be preserved after the operation, confirm with Yes.

Left: (1) Active cuboid, (2) Cone for the section
Right: Result

Process Part (3-D)Model and Process Parts (3-D)