Settings for Referencing

You define the settings for referencing in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Referencing.

  • On, with save (default)
    Drawings with referenced parts can be automatically updated, both upon loading and saving.
  • On, without Save
    Drawings with referenced parts can be automatically updated upon loading. Upon saving no check will take place.
  • OFF
    No automatic updating of drawings with referenced parts will take place, neither upon loading nor saving.

  • When you save referenced part, sub-parts containing old identical parts will not be updated, as the updating of these parts will take place upon a later loading anyway.

Lock referenced parts if model drawing is read-only

Use this parameter to lock referenced parts of against editing when working in read-only model drawings.

If the parameter is set to Yes, please note the following:

  • A file is considered a "read-only" file, if
  • it has been opened with the HELiOS function "Open, read-only",
  • it has the Workflow status "Released",
  • it has been opened via the Explorer with the "Open drawing, read-only" option, or
  • you have not the permissions required for an opening of the file.
  • If you attempt to modify a referenced part in a read-only file, the following message will be displayed:

  • If you attempt to manually save a referenced part in a read-only file, the following message appears:

  • During some operations you will only realize at the end that a referenced part was changed. In such cases the following message will be shown:

During simultaneous use of HELiOS please note the following:

When working with HELiOS, the parameter Lock referenced parts if model drawing is read-only, as well as the HELiOS setting Allow part exchange in drawings (HELiOS Options > Database > HiCAD) will be considered during updating and saving of referenced parts in read-only model drawings. This settings does not only affect the loading of a locked model drawing (referenced parts may not be updated from the computer), but also the saving of changed referenced parts. For example, if the setting option Not for released or read-only has been chosen, the message Save rejected (Drawing is locked)! has always been displayed upon saving of referenced parts. This applies even in cases where the parameter Lock referenced parts if model drawing is read-only in the Configuration Editor has been set to No. The dialogue for the saving of referenced parts will not appear either, but the changing of referenced parts will be allowed.


Please note:

Recommendations for Referencing (3-D)Folder for Externally Referenced Parts (3-D)