Insert Weld Seam
3-D Standard > Standard Parts > Insert new weld seam
Use this function to insert new weld seams. The function also offers double-sided weld seams and K-seams.
When you call this function, the Weld seam dialogue window will be displayed, and HiCAD will prompt you to select the parts to be welded together. The parts do not need to be in contact with each other.
The settings specified in the dialogue window can be saved as Favourites and reused at any time. To do this, click the symbol. More about Favourites management can be found in the Manage Favourites topic in the HiCAD Basics Help.
Select parts
Identify the part to be welded on, and then the part to which the welded connection is to be made ("target part").
The identified part are entered into the part list of the dialogue window.
If you want to remove parts from the part list, right-click the part and select Delete. To add a new part to the list, click the Select part icon and select the desired part in the drawing or in the ICN.
Detect powder marking lines - Side 1 / 2
After selection of the parts to be welded together, HiCAD automatically detects the powder marking lines for the welding (if possible) and highlights them in the drawing, taking the specified Tolerance for powder marking line search into account.
- Case 1: Powder marking lines found
If you want to take over all highlighted powder marking lines for one-sided seams (Side 1), click the Auto icon. The corresponding edges are taken over into the edge list for Side 1 of the dialogue window. A selection for Side 2 will then no longer be possible.
If you want to take over only some of the edges, click the Individual icon and identify the desired edges with the cursor. The edges will be taken over into the edge list of the dialogue window. During edge selection you can right-click to open a context menu:
To end the edge selection, select Cancel (ESC), or press the middle mouse button if the context menu is not open.
You have then the option to select the edges for Side 2 for double-sided weld seams.
To remove entries from Lines lists, right-click on the corresponding row and select Delete in the context menu.
- Case 2: No powder marking lines found.
In this case an appropriate error message will be issued. If desired, change the value for Distance tolerance and Minimum length (both > 0 and < 100).
Use the
icons to hide or show the window areas Representation and Tolerance for powder marking lines.
Representation of weld seams
You can select between the standard representation (Mechanical Engineering) and the special, simplified representation (Steel Engineering). Furthermore, you can specify the lengths of the lines, and the distance between and them for weld seam representation.
If you select the simplified representation, HiCAD creates a line with the specified length at each start and end point of the weld seam (for interrupted seams this is done for each seam segment), plus the connection of these lines.
At the top of the dialogue window you can specify the settings for the weld seam tag, i.e. the weld seam type, and further data required for this type (e.g. seam thickness). Instead of a selection from dimension a to dimension z you can also choose an empty entry from the listbox.
Click the Settings icon to open a dialogue window with extended setting options. It is largely operated in the same way as the dialogue window for the Insert weld symbol function, although the range of available function is smaller here.
Click OK to accept the current settings for the weld seam tag. The Weld seam dialogue will then be re-opened.
After specifying all required settings, you have the following options:
Apply |
The weld seam will be created according to the specified parameters. After creation of the tag the Weld seam function will remain active, and the selection of parts to be welded will be requested repeatedly. |
OK |
Same as Apply, but with the difference that the dialogue window will be closed. |
Cancel |
Use this button to cancel the Insert weld seam function. Edges in the list and edges which have not been welded together yet will be discarded. |
To insert the weld seam tag, right-click the weld seam after its selection, select the Insert weld symbol function in the context menu, and specify the start point of the tag by identifying a point or an edge.
In the example shown below, a fillet weld has been inserted between the two cuboids (1) and (2). The powder marking lines (3) were determined automatically. Case A shows a symbolic, (4 = Length of lines), case B a solid representation.
Each weld seam main part has a corresponding feature log. It consists of a "superordinate" creation feature and, for each weld seam creation, one environment management feature for the actual seams. Please note that for weld seams which were created in one step, only one feature of this type will be created.
In the example shown below, the two weld seams on the left hand side were created in one step. In the process, the main part Weld seam (a) was created. After this, the weld seam function was called again (while the main part was still active) and the right weld seam was created. The feature log then contains the creation feature (b) and two weld seam features (c). In our example, feature (3) belongs to the two first created weld seams (for this reason there are four entries under Welding line list).
Please note:
- After the first start of HiCAD, the weld seam type specified in the Configuration Editor, at Modelling > Weld seams will be used. The default setting is Fillet weld.
- The settings that were last applied in the Weld seam dialogue will be the default settings when you call the function again (also after a new start of HiCAD).
- The created weld seams will be managed in a main part with the article number Weld seam. They are, depending on the selected representation, parts of the type Solid or Parts with free edges.
- The weld seams is always assigned to the superordinate assembly of the parts to be welded together. If a weld seam part does not yet exist, HiCAD will create a new one. If a weld seam part exists already, the new weld seam will be assigned to this part. This means that only one weld seam part can exist per assembly. If no superordinate assembly for the parts to be welded together exists, a new weld seam main part will be created and re-used if required.
- To modify a weld seam, right-click the weld seam representation or the weld symbol in the drawing and select Edit . If the weld seam was created with a Steel Engineering connection function based on a Design Variant, the dialogue window of the corresponding connection function will be opened. For all other 3-D weld seams, the same dialogue window as for weld seam insertion will be displayed. The weld seam feature will be updated after processing.
- Weld seams are also visible in the ICN. If you right-click a weld seam in the ICN, a context menu with the corresponding processing functions will be opened.
- If you want to split the weld seam into seam segments, set in the feature log, under Parameters of main seam, the Interruption entry to Yes and enter the length, the distance and the number of segments.
- Weld seam tags created with older HiCAD versions (i.e. before HiCAD 2011) are automatically converted into the new format. This does however not apply to the weld seams!
- If you select a Sheet Metal main part for welding, the weld seams for all Sheet Metal parts below it will be determined, and powder marking lines that do not make any sense (double lines) will be removed. If you selected a sub-part for welding, only the sub-part will be welded on.
- The settings defined in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe) at ... > Drawing > Annotations > Weld seam tags are used for the text parameters of the weld symbol (font, height, colour etc.). Use the Change font function in the context menu for weld symbols to change the symbol subsequently.
- The representation of weld seams, too, can be changed via the setting in the Configuration Editor. You can find the settings at ... > Modelling > Weld seams > Graphical representation.
- The weld seam density, maximum distance and angle between the surfaces to be welded together can also be specified in the Configuration Editor, at ... > Modelling > Weld seams.
- A special BOM-configuration, HICAD_WELDMENTS.RMS is available for weld seams.
- Besides weld seam BOMs you can also create weld seam test protocols. This will be possible if your HiCAD product includes a Steel Engineering license, and your drawing contains weld seams to which a test category has been assigned. To create weld seam test protocols, use the functions Weld seam test protocol, Drawing and Weld seam test protocol, Active assembly available at Drawing > Itemisation/Detaillng > BOM
> ....
- To assign an unambiguous item number to each weld seam of a weld seam part, activate the Each weld seam with own number checkbox in the in the dialogue window. The checkbox is deactivated by default. The pre-setting can be changed in the Configuration Editor: Choose Compatibility > Itemisation > Item number assignment and activate the Each seam with own number checkbox.
To ensure that the weld seams actually appear in the BOM, you need to assign the attribute "BOM-relevant" to the corresponding weld seam part.
- Values and symbol settings can also be changed in the dialogue window during selection of weld seam lines or parts to be welded together.
Weld Seams (3-D) • Process Weld Seam (3-D) • Insert Weld Symbol (3-D) •Standard Parts (3-D)