Delete/Change Cut-Outs

Views > Edit > Change cut-out

Use this function to change cut-outs in a view subsequently. The cut-outs of the active view are displayed as transparent bodies.

  1. Identify the cut-out you want to change.

HiCAD displays the Change cut-out dialogue window. This is largely the same as the New cut-out dialogue window, except that the sketch symbols are blocked. This means that you cannot choose or define a new sketch for the cut-out. You can only change the existing sketch for the cut-out using the Sketch functions. 

  1. Change the sketch, if required.
  2. Change the cut-out depth and direction as well as the hatching settings.
  3. Click Create to apply the changes. 

To delete cut-outs, click the icon. The following two options are available:

View Functions (3-D)Special Views (3-D)Hatching in Sectional View and Cut-Out (3-D)