Project: HELiOS PDM for AutoCAD

The HELiOS Workspace

On the right hand side of the AutoCAD screen you can find the dockable HELiOS Workspace window.

Click the button in the Settings function group of the HELiOS Ribbon tab to hide and show the Workspace.

In this window all documents of the current session will be listed.

The drawing that is currently active in the CAD workspace will be marked with a green dot in the Loaded column of the HELiOS Workspace window.

The pen symbol in the first column of the result list shows whether a document is currently being edited.

A checkmark in the Loaded column indicates whether the corresponding document has currently been loaded in AutoCAD.

In the Changed, local column the symbol indicates that a document has been changed locally and saved since its last synchronization with HELiOS.

(If the exact status of a HELiOS document cannot be determined (e.g. due to an error), a question mark will be shown here.

Next to it, attributes of the document are displayed.


Clicking opens the HELiOS result list configuration, allowing you to add or remove attributes of the result list. In the pull-down menu next to the symbol you can load saved result list configurations as you would do in the HELiOS Desktop.

With a click on the symbol you can configure a filter for the result list.

In the following dialogue window, the checkbox Show only opened documents (indirectly loaded documents will not be shown) is activated. Confirm with Use to execute the filter. Only the currently open documents are then listed in the work area.


If the checkbox Show only documents of current application is active, only documents that are open in the current application (HELiOS Desktop or Office) are displayed.

This can be useful if you want to open a DXF file from Inventor in AutoCAD or if you want to insert an Excel file with parameters for assemblies in your model drawings as a 3rd party reference. In such cases you can also work with the HELiOS workspace.

If the filter is deactivated, all documents opened in the system are displayed, i.e. also those of other coupled applications. See also further notes at the bottom of the page.

Confirm with Use to execute the filter. Only the currently open documents are then listed in the workspace. Click on the symbol to deactivate the filter again.


Click the Edit symbol to set documents that are currently not being edited to the edited mode, so that they will be temporarily locked for other users.

Click to apply the changes to a document (applies changes and closes document), or to discard the changes (changes will not be applied).

Click to remove a marked document from the CAD session; a prerequisite for this is that it is no longer open locally.

Multiple selections are also possible.

Right-clicking on a result list row in the dockable window will open a context menu containing the full range of HELiOS functions for documents, allowing you to open the documents in AutoCAD (via the Load function). Double-clicking on a row opens the corresponding HELiOS document detail mask.


Please note:


© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HELiOS PDM for AutoCAD
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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