Project: HELiOS PDM for Inventor

HELiOS - Active Part

If an assembly has been opened in Inventor as a HELiOS document, the HELiOS - Active part Ribbon tab will be displayed, in addition to the HELiOS - Assembly Ribbon.

Here, the following functions can be called for the part that is currently active in the model drawing:

With this function the whole model drawing can be set to edited mode with one click.

Provided that a corresponding editing right is available in HELiOS, as many sub-assemblies and sub-parts as possible can be set to edited mode, taking into account all dependencies.

To prevent the function from being "accidentally" called and causing a long loading time, a confirmation prompt appears before execution to ask whether the function should really be executed.

When you call the function, the article search mask will be displayed, enabling you to choose an article. After this, the New in HELIOS function is called, with saves the drawing document and the linked article (write-protected, i.e. it cannot be deselected here) together to the HELiOS database.

If third party documents are referenced together with a drawing, they will also be offered for transfer as linked documents to the database.

This procedure is recommended if, for example, parts or assemblies that already exist in the HELiOS database, are to be used in further drawings. Instead of saving those again (and thus twice) via New in HELiOS, you have the option to manually link existing articles when you enter the drawing.


Please note:

If the active part is a "virtual component" by Inventor, the document and specific functions cannot be called, since virtual components can have an article master, but no document master.

HELiOS PDM für Inventor

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HELiOS PDM for Inventor
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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