Project: HELiOS

Vault Server: Data Backup

There are two possibilities to back up data on the HELiOS Vault Server:

The program VSave.exe must be executed in the prompt:

VSave.exe [/I|/F] [/L:<Log file>] <Target directory>

/I: Incremental backup (default)

/F: Complete backup

/L: Log file, optional


C:\Programs\HeliosVaultService>VSave.exe /F /L:log.txt E:\Backup

The file tables will not be backed up in the process. However, the Vault Server can be completely restored.

The program connects itself as a client to the local Vault Server and performs, within its own process, a backup of the documents saved in the Vault. The files, designated with their HEL_KOPFID and HEL_REVID, will be copied to the target directory.

Another possibility would be a backing up of the folders used by the Vault Server, i.e. in this case:





In the saving directory of the Vault Server you will find a sub-directory called \Verwaltung\ (=\Management\), which in turn contains the file FTBL_LIST.txt. In this file, all Vault Server files are listed, e.g.:

AGG14400004F85 001 02 000001BF.VDF lc0 vo0 _R1

AGG14400004N9D 000 02 000001C5.VDF lc0 vo0 _R1

AGG14400004N9D 001 02 000001C7.VDF lc0 vo0 _R1

The first two columns contain the Revision ID and the Head ID of the corresponding HELiOS document; the fourth column contains the file name in the Vault.

If you want to restore a particular file from the Vault storage, you can find out its Revision ID (here: "AGG14400004F85" in the first row) and Head ID (here: "001" in the first row) in HELiOS, by right-clicking the corresponding part or document mask and then selecting Show ID. According to this example, the following information would be displayed:

ID is as follows:

Head ID: AGG14400004F85

Rev ID: 1

Take a look into the file FTBL_LIST.txt to find out the corresponding file name in the Vault Archive (here: "000001BF.VDF")

(if the file FTBL_LIST.txt is not up to date, it can be updated by a restart of the Vault Server service).

Vault ServerVault Server: Components

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HELiOS
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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