Project: HELiOS

Vault Server: Components

The components of the Vault Server are as follows:


/START: Start Server

/STOP: Stop Server

/I: Install Server

/U: Uninstall Server

/DEBUG: Start debug mode

VClient.dll is the Vault Server communication interface for all Client applications.


The replication of the documents in the individual Vaults takes place as pull replication.

VSave.exe [/I|/F] [/L:<Log file>] <Target directory>

/I: Incremental backup (default)

/F: Complete backup

/L: Log file, optional: This program connects itself as a client to the local Vault Server and performs, within its own process, a backup of the documents saved in the Vault. The files, designated with their HEL_KOPFID and HEL_REVID, will be copied to the target directory.

The file VSClientKonfig.exe is used for the configuration of the Vault Servers.

Vault Server

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HELiOS
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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