Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID Library > Change language > Change language of graphic texts
Let us assume you want to create from the symbol file DINSYMA_GER.SZA containing German symbol texts a symbol file DINSYMA_JAP.SZA with Japanese texts. Proceed as follows:
Never change the names of the symbols or the symbol groups!
Before executing the above steps, replace the Unicode file fldlgcode.txt (in the folder of the corresponding attribute and dialogue type definitions, e.g. …\PID\Libs\AttDef\ISDAttDef_jap) by a version with texts in the target language to ensure that in the graphic of the symbol library, the names of dialogue text placeholders appear in the required language, too.
Texts (P+ID) • Dictionary (P+ID) • Change Language (P+ID)
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