Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID > Symbol > Load symbol
Select the required symbol type in the selection mask of the Load symbol function, e.g. Vessel. HiCAD then displays a pop-up menu with all appropriate symbols.
Select the required symbol. Specify the position of the symbol by determining a fitting point. The symbol can be inserted as many times as required. Select ESC to cancel insertion and return to the selection mask of the Load symbol function.
The selection mask and associated pop-up menus are NOT automatically generated by the embedded library, but are tools that can be adapted to suit your current task. Symbols shown in the pop-up menu, need not all belong to the same library or to the same symbol group within a library, but can be taken from any of the embedded libraries. A macro in each of these pop-up menus delivers the appropriate symbol name to the symbol selection function. For an unambiguous assignment, each of the symbol names among all symbol libraries integrated in a project must be unique, (i.e. can only exist once). The selection mask and associated pop-up menus supplied with your module are tailored to access symbols stored in the ISDDINSYM0_*, ISDDINSYM1_* and ISDDINSYM2_* libraries. You can use the Edit symbol selection list and Edit symbol pop-up menu functions to modify and expand selection masks and pop-up menus.
Load Symbol (P+ID) • Load Symbol, via Symbol Type (P+ID)
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