Project: Report Manager

Settings - Export-HiCAD

File  > Settings > Change  > Export - HiCAD

Data items shown (visible) in the list can be exported to HiCAD as text in tabular form. The required settings can be specified via this tab.




Define column widths

The column width can either be automatically determined  by the Report Manager or can be individually defined by the user.

  • If you want the program to define the column width automatically, activate the checkbox Automatic column width.
  • If you want to define the column width yourself, click on the Define column widths symbol. The dialogue box Column width for HiCAD tables will be displayed.

Define header and footer

This function enables you to specify headings and foot notes for the table transferred to HiCAD (separately for Structure Lists and Quantity Lists).  Enter the required texts and select OK to exit the window.

Visualise levels

When exporting structure lists, you can view individual part structure or product structure levels:

  1. Activate the checkbox.
  2. Select the symbol for the required level and the for the opened (expanded) and closed (collapsed) assemblies.

Please note that only Structure List levels can be viewed, and then only if no column demarcation characters have been used. 

Page parameters

  • Number of rows per page

Specify the number of rows to be output on the pages of a table.

  • Reverse row sequence

BOM data items are usually output in the sequence in which they are displayed in the Report Manager. If you want to reverse the sequence activate this checkbox.

  • Column headers

Activate this checkbox if you want the column headings to be output.

  • On all pages

Activate this checkbox if you want the column headings to be output on each page of the table.

  • Frames and Borders

Use the fields Frame Colour, Borders and Draw frames to specify the table representation in HiCAD. You can determine the required settings via selection from the respective listbox or via activation/deactivation of the respective checkboxes.

Text parameter

  • Text offsets to borders

Enables you to specify the distance between text and borders.

  • Font

Enables you to specify parameters for the table text, i.e. text colour, font and text height. You can also specify the text style, i.e. italic, bold or normal.

Fitting parameter

You have several fitting options for the insertion of tables in HiCAD. These options can be selected from a list box.


The settings for Respect column for output in the View Quantity List and View Structure List tabs will be taken into account during export.

SettingsInsertion (Fitting) ParameterView

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - Report Manager
Date: 06/10/2019

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