Project: Report Manager


The layout of a Bill of Material (BOM)is determined by the Report Manager Configuration File. When creating a BOM in HiCAD or HELiOS for the first time, you will be prompted to select the required configuration file. Report Manager Configuration files have the file extension .RMS. 

The Report Manager enables you to retroactively assign another configuration file to a BOM or to edit the configuration file. For this, the functions of the Settings menu are available to the user. You can use these functions to

Furthermore, you can save the specified settings or load saved settings. The following functions are available in the File menu or in the toolbar:


Activates the Settings dialogue box.

Saves the current settings, including the specified filter and export settings, together with the currently active Report Manager file.

Saves the current settings including the export settings under a freely definable file name.

Loads a Settings file (.RMS)


Saves the current settings as the new default settings (available in the File menu only)


Loads the default setting (available in the File menu only )

Change Settings Save SettingsLoad Settings

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - Report Manager
Date: 06/10/2019

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