Project: Report Manager
Back to HiCAD
Switches back to HiCAD
Opens a Report Manager file (extension .RM3; only applies to external calls of the Report Manager!)
Save settings
Saves the current settings - including the set filter and export functions - together with the currently active Report Manager file
Load settings
Loads a Settings file (.RMS)
Save settings as
Saves the current settings (including those for export) under a freely definable file name
Change settings
Activates the Settings menu
Structure list
Displays the Structure List
Quantity list
Displays the Quantity List
Print data
Prints out the data items visible in the list
Transfer data to Excel file
Transfers all data items visible in the list to an Excel file (.XLS/.XLSX)
Transfer data to text file
Transfers the data specified via Settings/Export (Text) to a text file
Transfer data to HTML file
Transfers the data specified via Settings/Export (HTML) to a HTML file
Transfer data to HiCAD table
Transfers the data items visible in the list as text in tabular form to HiCAD
Sorts BOMs according to the sorting criteria specified via the Settings function
Expand all levels
Opens all part structure levels, i.e. all sub parts will be displayed as well (does not apply to Quantity Lists)
Expand one level
Opens the next respective part structure level (does not apply to Quantity Lists)
Collapse all levels
Closes all part structure levels, i.e. only main parts will be displayed (does not apply to Quantity Lists)
Collapse one level
Closes the part structure level by level (does not apply to Quantity Lists)
User Interface • Menus and Functions
© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2402 - Report Manager Date: 06/10/2019
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