Project: HiCAD Profile Installation

Representation of Profiles

Profile Installation > View Tools > Exact representation

Profile Installation > View Tools > Contour, cut

Profile Installation > View Tools > Contour, uncut

Three different representation modes are available for profile installations: Exact representation, Contour, cut and Contour, uncut. You find these options in the View Tools function group of the Profile Installation Ribbon.

A changing of the representation mode will only affect the active view.


Exact representation

When you choose this representation mode, the profiles will be shown with all their details and processings. This mode is, of course, also the most time intensive. If you work with very many or very large profile installations, it therefore often makes sense to switch to the simpler representation modes.


Contour, cut

In this representation mode, the profiles are simplified, that is, they are shown as simple cuboids with the correct dimensions and also the complete processings if there are any.


Contour, uncut

Like in the Contour, cut mode, the profiles are shown simplified here, with the difference that no processings on the profiles are shown here. In the example image, for instance, the round window is not shown, since it does not cut through any profile, but is only cut, as a processing, into the edge of two profiles.

This view is very suitable for a working with the Length optimisation function.

Please note that inserts are shown here only if the setting Split profiles by windows on the Other properties tab has been activated. Otherwise, the inserts will generally be interpreted as processings and will therefore not be shown.


Please note:

Profile InstallationAdding Own Profiles • Other Properties

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Profile Installation
Date: 06/10/2019

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