Project: HiCAD Parametrics
Parametric Dimensions in the HCM Model
Distance constraints are represented in the drawing by means of parametric
dimensions. If you right-click one of the parametric dimensions, a context menu opens.
You can use this menu to call the following functions:
- Change constraint value: This enables you to enter the new value,
say, of a distance constraint into an input window.
- Drag
dimension: This function
enables you to change the value dynamically by moving the cursor up and
down. The dimensioning is always automatically adjusted for distance constraints.
- Move
dimension line: This
enables you to move the dimension line dynamically.
- Convert into drawing dimension: The
parametric dimensions are adopted as the drawing dimensions and inserted into the
drawing as a dimensioning.
- Delete: The constraint
is deleted.
HCM 3-D:
General Information
© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2402 - HiCAD Parametrics Date: 06/10/2019
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