Project: HiCAD Dach/Wand/Fassade

The HiCAD GUI Creator

For a convenient designing of individual user interfaces you use the HiCAD GUI Creator (Dialogue Editor). Run the EXE file HiCADGUICreatorApp.exe in the HiCAD EXE directory to start the tool.

When you start the tool, the following dialogue window will be displayed:


The user interface of the Dialogue Editor consists of the following areas:

  1. Menu bar
    Management and editing of dialogue files
  2. Toolbar 
    Management and editing of dialogue files and setting of a processing grid
  3. Status bar
    Definition of the size of the dialogue window, zooming in and out of current dialogue and access to the TextTables Helper tool. This tool offers the option to access system texts that exist in HiCAD and use them in customer-specific dialogues.
  4. Variables tab
    List of all defined variables.
  5. ToolBox tab
    List of the GUI objects that are supported by the HiCAD GUI Creator.
  6. Current dialogue
    Display of the current dialogue
  7. Utilized ToolBox objects
    Here the GUI objects used in in the current current dialogues are shown in a tree structure. The parameters of the active object (highlighted red) can also be edited (format, size etc.).


The menu bar

Use the functions of the File menu to manage the user dialogues.

  • the XML file with the Datei mit dem Benutzerdialog
  • all images use din the dialogue and
  • the file UnusedCollectionData.dat with a list of all variables that are not used in the user dialogue.

The Edit menu currently only contains the function Disconnect. Use this function to remove the assignment of a GUI object to a dialogue, e.g. the corresponding ToolBox object will be removed from the dialogue.


The toolbar

Here you find the same symbols as in the File menu, plus the following functions:

The undo function takes back the last step.

The Redo function restores the last step that was taken back.

Switch grid on/off
Align to grid (on/off)

Raster und Offset


The status bar

In the status bar you define the size of the dialogue. Also, you can zoom the dialogue and access the dialogue texts.

  • Starts with: Anschluss
    Finds all texts beginning with the word Anschluss.

  • Starts with: Anschluss Contains: oben
    Finds all texts beginning with Anschluss and contain the word oben.

Click on the button to clear the result list. If the Match case checkbox is activated, upper and lower case spelling will be taken into account for searches.

If you want to use on of the found texts, choose it from the result list, mark the associated key and copy it. This key can then be used in the Text format field of the HiCAD GUI Editor, in the form %TSkey), e.g.:

The associated text will then be automatically entered in the Designation field, and the field will be locked against other inputs.

If the key is a multiple language key, the correct dialogue language will be automatically displayed in the language version that you use. That is, if you use an English language version, Connection, top instead of Anschluss oben would be automatically be displayed in the Designation field.

Customer-specific Dialogues for Installation Elements - Basic ProceduresThe HiCAD GUI Creator - VariablesHiCAD GUI Creator - Toolbox

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Dach/Wand/Fassade
Date: 14/10/2019

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