Project: HiCAD Basics

User Libraries

Drawing > Insert Part > User library

Frequently required parts and macros can be grouped in libraries that can be integrated into the screen menu. You can then use a pop-up menu to conveniently insert or execute parts or macros belonging to the library.

Select Drawing > Insert Part > User Library to activate the function.

New part library
Creates a new part library.

New macro library
Creates a new macro library. 

Delete library
Deletes a part library or macro library. Click the icon and then the designation of the library to be deleted.


You can also open existing libraries in this pop-up menu:

The functions for creating user libraries are available as an add-on module. Existing user libraries, however, can also be loaded without this module.

Part Libraries

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 06/11/2019

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