Project: HiCAD 3-D

Linear Dimensioning, Parallel

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Parallel

Use the functions in the functions groups Individual dimensions and Parallel to create individual linear dimensions (structure dimensions) and sets of linear dimensions the dimension lines of which run parallel to one of the axes of the coordinate system, or to a freely selectable reference axis.

Example: Chain dimension, axially parallel (left) and parallel dimension with chamfer as reference axis


The topics:

Functions for parallel linear dimensions

The following functions are available:

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Individual dimensions

Half-section dimension, axially parallel


3-D Dimensioning + Text > Parallel
Create new parallel dimension
Create new running chain dimension, with reference axis

Create new height above datum

  • The dimensions created with this function are individual dimensions.
  • An allowance can be specified for individual or all dimensions of this type for this function. To do this, choose the Structure start value. You will find this function in the context menu (right-click dimension figure) or at 3-D Dimensioning + Text > Tools > Extras >....


Please note:

Axially parallel linear dimensions

  1. Activate the part to which you want the dimensioning to be assigned.
  2. Choose the desired dimensioning function.
  3. Determine the base points by selecting any points, edges or surfaces - depending on the settings in the Element type selection dialogue window (see also Dimensioning - Procedure).
  1. Determine the position of the dimension by dropping it. Use the right mouse button to activate the Dimensioning, Move context menu. This context menu enables you to determine the position of dimension line and dimension figure.
  2. Determine the next base points in the structure dimension or end the function by pressing the middle mouse button.


Please note:

Linear dimensions parallel to a reference axis

  1. Activate the part to which you want the dimensioning to be assigned.
  2. Choose the desired dimensioning function.
  3. Determine the reference axis.
  1. Determine the base points by selecting any points, edges or surfaces - depending on the settings in the Element type selection dialogue window (see also Dimensioning - Procedure).
  1. Determine the position of the dimensioning by dropping it. Use the right mouse button to activate the Dimensioning, Move context menu. This context menu enables you to determine the position of dimension line and dimension figure.
  2. Determine the next base points in the structure dimension or end the function by pressing the middle mouse button.


Please note:

For the creation of individual, linear dimensions running parallel to a reference axis you can also use the Variable dimensions function or the Create new linear dimension, with reference axis function in the Individual dimensions menu.

Dimensioning (3-D)Dimensioning - Procedure (3-D)Linear dimension, free (3-D)Dimension parameters (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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